Battle of the Bed Bugs!
Bedtime For Bed Bugs!
It can take 7 weeks for a bed bug to grow from an egg to an adult so for most people the first signs of an infestation indicate a problem at least 7 weeks old.
Bed bugs although socially associated with unclean environments are not attracted to dirt and debris but food and warmth and carbon dioxide. A female bed bug could lay 300 eggs in her life span and with UK temperatures increasing each year this cycle increases to a laying cycle of 8 – 10 days where as previously they may lay every 18 days. These eggs can be the size of a speck of dust.
When feeding a bedbugs size can increase by 200%! A bed bug feeding frenzy may last up to 10 minutes but with 20% of people showing sign of sensitivity to bed bug bites leading to reactions that quick meal can cause a lot of discomfort and anxiety.
Bed bugs are known to be infected with at least 28 different human pathogens, though there is no evidence to prove that they can transmit those pathogens to other humans.
What are you looking for when searching for Bed Bugs?
They are roughly the size of an apple seed and reddish brown in colour they will appear less flat if they have recently fed! They do not fly but crawl from host to host. They will happily live amongst humans tending to hover about 8 feet from their walking meal! They are not just found in beds, dirty linen, plug sockets curtains and sofas are not exempt from bed bug issues. A smell of rotten raspberries often is present with a bed bug infestation. Check for the presence of bed bugs by looking for blood on sheets or rust coloured marks on bedding. Frequent inspection of rooms, curtains, rugs and bedding is essential in identifying a problem with bed bugs.
Small Bug Big Problem
Hotels, residential homes, hospitals and schools are all common breeding areas for bed bugs and can become a costly problem if untreated and identified by a member of the public. Loss of revenue through damage to brand reputation and a decline in visitors paired with replacing all infested furniture and carpets etc can make a bed bug problem a big problem!
Bed bug eradication usually requires a mixed approach of pesticide and mechanical treatments.
Over time, the bugs have developed a resistance to common pesticides. Mechanical approaches have been offered as an alternative and common steps include vacuuming up the insect harbourage, heat-treating bedding and wrapping mattresses.
In the interest of public health, you are encouraged to enlist the services of a professional and reputable service which deals with pest control, rather than attempt to get rid of the bugs yourself.
If you think you may have a bedbug problem call a professional pest controller urgently to stop them from quickly multiplying. Call us on: 0800 158 3885