Sankeys Pest Control

Pests To Look Out For In March!

Spring Pests

Hopefully spring is almost on its way but with the brighter weather and longer days comes an increased risk of pests entering your home. Which pests should you be looking out for in March?

Buzz Off! 

Cluster Flies are parasites from earth worms. They measure about 4mm and there are in fact 8 species of Cluster fly in the UK.

Despite not posing a health risk they are a nuisance as they tend to hibernate in huge clusters of 1000s of flies. They tend to wake from hibernation and then exit in a huge swarm.

Cluster flies emit a sickly pheromone to attract other flies to the chosen hibernation spot. This tends to be on the west and south facing sides of buildings as they receive more natural light and warmth.
Check your walls and windows from cracks or openings that could be used as entry points by cluster flies and try to repair them if necessary.
Should Cluster flies inhabit your property they may cause staining to curtains and walls which although their presence is not an indication of poor hygiene is unpleasant and costly to the occupier!
So keep an eye out for the Cluster fly it is similar in appearance to a house fly however they move at a slower pace. They emerge in early spring so definitely a pest to look out for at this time of year!

Seagulls will begin searching for a mate around now and breeding will begin followed by nest building and young gulls hatching around early June. Bird proofing your property is a good idea, cages netting and scaring devices are effective methods. Removing food sources and securing rubbish will deter them from scavenging through your bins.

Remember all gulls are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. It is illegal to injure any species of gull. Damaging an active nest is also a criminal offence.

Can You Hear Ticking? 

The adult death watch beetle or woodworm begin to emerge from March with damage often more extensive than expected from external appearance.

Woodworm treatments are estimated at 5000 homes a week so for such as small pest they cause a lot of damage! Each adult can lay up to 60 eggs so they have a large breeding capacity.

If left untreated they can cause structural damage to roof timbers and weakening of wooden furniture.

Got A Mole Problem? 

Moles are much more active as the weather warms up a bit. Activity includes the appearance of mole hills; these are often an indicator of a nesting site. Each female can have up to 5 young in her litter.
Tunnelling is the main issue with a mole infestation as they can dig up to 100 meters a night! Despite only living three years moles can cause substantial damage to your garden. Chewing through roots and creating dangerous hills around the garden they leave a mess for most garden lovers.

Armies Of Ants! 

In spring ant begin to emerge from their underground winter homes. Black, red and garden ants are all common in the UK and when it comes to this pest prevention is better than cure.
Following good hygiene practices helps prevent any problems. Food sources, crumbs and sticky spillages are all a great food source for ants. Keeping food secure and shut away is a good start to remaining ant free. Keep your floors clean and sweep or hoover on a regular basis.
Store rubbish away from your house and check for cracks and gaps around doors to try and reduce entry points.

If you have a spring pest problem please call us today and we will be happy to help! 

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